A career birthed out of a passion for storytelling and retirement from the Palmdale School District, Felix Mayerhofer had worked with children from Elementary age to High School teenagers for over 25 years teaching and band directing. Felix didn’t want to just sit around in retirement, he wanted to be creative and this led him to writing over 30 children’s books! Some are tales inspired by his own childhood and some inspired by his past experience and a band director at the school. With the support and love of his beloved wife Shirley and now his son David helping him, he has been able to self publish these books.
Illustration of Felix the Storyteller by: John MacFarlane
Illustrator John MacFarlane
An animator by trade, Macfarlane has never been without pen and imagination. John has collaborated with Felix on his published books, “Horace the Great”, “Wobbly Bags a Theif”, “Guitar Cowbow”, and “The Three Little Godfathers” reading his stories and translating that into illustrations. He has also done all the cover illustrations to all the rest of Felix’s children’s stories. John is a Simpson’s animator and has also worked for Disney and Steven Spielberg. Their collaboration has been a delight and one born out of mutual respect for each others work.